Quand les fils se touchent

jeudi, mai 25, 2006

Culte Déviant.

À voir. À revoir.


Blogger Juli said...

So much!!!! Aussi souvent que possible!! Je m'ennuie déjà...

11:50 p.m.  
Blogger igby said...

"In one way or another I've always suffered. I didn't know why exactly. But I do know that I'm not so scared of suffering now. I feel more than I've ever felt and I've found someone to feel with. To play with. To love in a way that feels right for me. I hope he knows that I can see that he suffers too. And that I want to love him."
-Lee Holloway

2:41 p.m.  
Blogger Juli said...

Ma comédie romantique par excellence!! Mouhahaha!!!!

10:16 p.m.  

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